The Spokesperson (Part 5 of 6 Guide to Dealing with Difficult People)

We have made it to the final difficult personality that I want to discuss in this post series - A Guide to Dealing with Difficult People.  In the last chapter, we will summarize what we have gone over and look at some general advice for dealing with any problematic personality.

Check Out the Entire Series:

Part 1: A Guide to Dealing with Difficult People - Introduction

Part 2: The Complainer

Part 3: The Sour Attitude

Part 4: The Responsibility Avoider

Part 5: The Spokesperson

Part 6: Engaging and Guiding Difficult People

However, for now, we are discussing “The Spokesperson.” These people see themselves as the self-appointed spokesperson of the people. They are the first to hear, and share, all the gossip on the floor. They are also quick to bring problems to your attention and demand that you do something even when the problem has nothing to do with them and does not impact them directly.

Frustration and Possibility

The frustrating thing about these people is their need to involve themselves where they should not be getting themselves included, and often they do this in a very demanding and confrontational way. They lack tact and are pushy, expecting an immediate response to their concerns.

I must admit that I allow myself to be very frustrated with these people as they always involve themselves in issues which makes it more complicated to deal with the problem. Also, their demanding nature can bring frustration due to its unreasonableness.

The best way to deal with this personality type is to make them part of the solution. If they are not creating further problems or increasing a negative attitude on the team, then there is no reason to dig in your heels and find a reason to fight them. If they are a good team member in all other respects, then use them to the best advantage.

Now, if they are being disruptive and causing further problems, you need to deal with them in as direct a manner as possible and not let them create dissension on the team. Remember to always present facts, keep the discussion to what the expectations are, i.e., what the non-negotiables are, and keep them focused on what is in their control. Please do not allow them to take you into the weeds.

Part of the Solution

If they are doing things for the right reasons, but just going about it in the wrong way, then use this as an opportunity to engage them and get them to help you solve the problem. Getting them to be part of the solution will benefit you and the team in two ways.

First, it gains their trust and will take some of the aggression out of their stance. Second, it will earn you an ally that will help you gauge the mood on the team and head off problems before they become significant issues.

Often the “Spokesperson” is in tune with all the gossip and goings on with the floor and influences with their coworkers. Use this to your advantage. Find out what the real issues are and who is involved. Ask the “spokesperson” what their suggestions are for dealing with the situation. Ask if they would be willing to help you to resolve the situation.

Be careful that you don't involve them in any disciplinary action or share with them the specifics of how you will deal with any individual in this regard. However, you can use them to get a message to the floor that you are aware of the situation, that you are concerned about it, and that you are taking steps to address the situation.

The Key

The real key is to direct the “spokespersons” well-meaning, but misdirected actions, and turn them to the advantage of the team. If you blow them off, they will take that to the floor, and the message will be that you don’t care and don’t listen. It is better to look to the person who is bringing the issue to you, thank them for doing so, realizing that it is better to engage them as an ally than to get upset with them and have it reflected negatively to the workgroup.

You also want to be careful that you set clear expectations with the spokesperson to ensure that they are not bringing every little problem to you expecting you to jump every time they think you should. Make sure they understand how to address issues appropriately, what issues are important enough to bring to your attention and ensure that they are respectful of your time.


While the “Spokesperson” can be too direct and aggressive in how they communicate issues within the team, don’t allow their misguided style to put you in a negative mood. Remember, it is better they are bringing problems to your attention allowing you to get ahead of issues and address them heads on. Engage them to get them working to be part of the solution and use their influence with the workgroup to bring resolution to a problem.

In the next post, we will wrap up this series on dealing with difficult people and put together a quick tip list of actions you can take to deal with, and engage these people, positively.


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